Do you ever wish your editing process was faster or more efficient? If so, then familiarizing yourself with some of the basic GIMP keyboard shortcuts will help you save time and make your workflow smoother.

From adjusting layers and image transformations to navigating menus and executing commands, GIMP’s shortcut selection gives users plenty of options for speeding up their editing tasks. In this blog post, we’ll explore the most useful shortcuts available in GIMP, along with tips on how best to use them.

Table of Contents
    96 Most Useful GIMP Keyboard Shortcuts image 1

    Also, if you want to give yourself an even bigger productivity boost, make sure to check our favorite Excel keyboard shortcuts and Google Docks keyboard shortcuts. You waste too much time clicking on everything.

    GIMP Tool Keyboard Shortcuts

    GIMP tools are similar to the ones in Photoshop.

    96 Most Useful GIMP Keyboard Shortcuts image 2

    In fact, if you ever worked in any image editing app, you’ll easily recognize most of them. They’ll help you select, and interact with the image and its elements.

    Action Windows & Linux macOS
    Move Tool96 Most Useful GIMP Keyboard Shortcuts image 3MM
    Rectangle selection tool96 Most Useful GIMP Keyboard Shortcuts image 4RR
    Ellipse selection tool96 Most Useful GIMP Keyboard Shortcuts image 5EE
    Free select tool96 Most Useful GIMP Keyboard Shortcuts image 6FF
    Scissors select tool96 Most Useful GIMP Keyboard Shortcuts image 7II
    Fuzzy select tool96 Most Useful GIMP Keyboard Shortcuts image 8UU
    Eraser tool96 Most Useful GIMP Keyboard Shortcuts image 9Shift + EShift + E
    Select by Color96 Most Useful GIMP Keyboard Shortcuts image 10Shift + OShift + O
    Crop tool96 Most Useful GIMP Keyboard Shortcuts image 11Shift + CShift + C
    Bucket fill96 Most Useful GIMP Keyboard Shortcuts image 12Shift + BShift + B
    Gradient96 Most Useful GIMP Keyboard Shortcuts image 13GG
    Paintbrush96 Most Useful GIMP Keyboard Shortcuts image 14PP
    Pencil96 Most Useful GIMP Keyboard Shortcuts image 15NN
    Airbrush96 Most Useful GIMP Keyboard Shortcuts image 16AA
    Ink96 Most Useful GIMP Keyboard Shortcuts image 17KK
    MyPaint Brush96 Most Useful GIMP Keyboard Shortcuts image 18YY
    Clone96 Most Useful GIMP Keyboard Shortcuts image 19CC
    Heal96 Most Useful GIMP Keyboard Shortcuts image 20HH
    Paths96 Most Useful GIMP Keyboard Shortcuts image 21BB
    Smudge96 Most Useful GIMP Keyboard Shortcuts image 22SS
    Text96 Most Useful GIMP Keyboard Shortcuts image 23TT
    Color Picker96 Most Useful GIMP Keyboard Shortcuts image 24OO

    Note: some of the tools are grouped, so you won’t see them all in the tool menu. For example, Pencil, Airbrush, Ink, and MyPainBrush are grouped under Paintbrush. The same goes for the Ellipse selection tool; you can find it grouped with the Rectangular selection tool.

    GIMP Additional Selection Keyboard Shortcuts

    Shortcuts listed here will help you select in unique ways, as well as interact with different selections. We chose the most common actions, and they’re self-explanatory.

    Action Windows & Linux macOS
    Select AllCTRL + ACommand + A
    Toggle selectionsCTRL + TCommand + T
    Deselect allShift + CTRL + AShift + Command + A
    Invert selectionCTRL + ICommand + I
    Float selectionShift + CTRL + LShift + Command + L
    Select from PathShift + VShift + V

    GIMP Editing Keyboard Shortcuts

    When it comes to editing your document or file, use these keyboard shortcuts to make your workflow faster.

    Action Windows & Linux macOS
    Crop and ResizeShift + CShift + C
    RotateShift + RShift + R
    ScaleShift + TShift + T
    ShearShift + SShift + S
    PerspectiveShift + PShift + P
    FlipShift + FShift + F
    Dodge or BurnShift + DShift + D
    Swap ColorsXX
    Default ColorsDD
    Undo previous actionCTRL + ZCommand + Z
    Redo last actionCTRL + YCommand + Y
    CopyCTRL + CCommand + C
    CutCTRL + XCommand + X
    PasteCTRL + VCommand + V
    Paste in placeCTRL + Alt + VCommand + Option + V
    Increase Brush Size]]
    Decrease Brush Size[[
    Show or Hide SelectionCTRL + TCommand + T

    Note: The Paste in Place action allows you to paste the content of your clipboard into a new file, in the exact same location where it was positioned in the original file.

    GIMP File Keyboard Shortcuts

    The keyboard shortcuts listed in this section will help you open and interact with different files and images in GIMP.

    Action Windows & Linux macOS
    Open new fileCTRL + NCommand + N
    Open ImageCTRL + OCommand + O
    Open Image as new layerCTRL + Alt + OCommand+ Option + O
    Open recent image 01CTRL + 1Command + 1
    Open recent image 02CTRL + 2Command + 2
    Open recent image 03CTRL + 3Command + 3
    Create a new image from clipboardShift + CTRL + VShift + Command + V
    Save with a new nameShift + CTRL + SShift + Command + S
    Close All FilesShift + CTRL + WShift + Command + W
    Quit GIMPCTRL + QCommand + Q

    Note: Opening a recent image past 03 is the same command, just replace the number with the corresponding one. CTRL(Command) + 4,5,6, and so on.

    GIMP View and Action Keyboard Shortcuts

    The keyboard shortcuts listed here will help you interact with GIMP. Browse its menus easily, toggle guides, or rulers, and fill the background with a color.

    Action Windows & Linux macOS
    Main MenuF10F10
    Drop-down menuShift + F10Shift + F10
    Full ScreenF11F11
    Toggle quickmaskShift + QShift + Q
    Close document windowCTRL + WCommand + W
    Shrink wrapCTRL + ECommand + E
    Fit image in the document windowShift + CTRL + EShift + Command + E
    Toggle rulersShift + CTRL + RShift + Command + R
    Toggle guidesShift + CTRL + TShift + Command + T
    Clear selectionCTRL + KCommand + K
    Fill with Foreground ColorCTRL + ,Command + ,
    Fill with background colorCTRL + .Command + .
    Fill with patternCTRL + :Command + :

    GIMP Dialogs Keyboard Shortcuts

    These shortcuts will allow you to manipulate Dialogs in GIMP. Dialogs are moving windows that contain tool options or are dedicated to a specific task. Open the dialogs to see and manipulate all their options without effort.

    Action Windows & Linux macOS
    LayersCTRL + LCommand + L
    BrushesShift + CTRL + BShift + Command + B
    PatternsShift + CTRL + PShift + Command + P
    Tool OptionsShift + CTRL + TShift + Command + T
    PalettesCTRL + PCommand + P
    InfoShift + CTRL + IShift + Command + I
    NavigationShift + CTRL + NShift + Command + N
    Close the current windowAlt + F4Option + F4
    Go to next widgetTabTab
    Go to previous widgetShift + TabShift + Tab
    Set new valueEnterOption
    Activate current button on the listSpace barSpace bar
    Toggle between tabsCTRL + Alt + Page upCommand + Option + Page up
    Open locationShift + LShift + L
    Down folderAlt + Down arrowOption + Down arrow
    Up folderAlt + Up arrowOption + Up arrow
    Home folderAlt + Home keyOption + Home key
    Close current dialogEscEsc

    GIMP Layers Keyboard Shortcuts

    Manipulating layers is crucial for any image editing tool. Doing it fast means you’ll be done with your task in no time. What better way to quickly achieve the desired action than to use keyboard shortcuts? Use the shortcuts listed in this table to manipulate layers easily and quickly.

    Action Windows & Linux macOS
    New layerShift + CTRL + NShift + Command + N
    Duplicate selected layerShift + CTRL + DShift + Command + D
    Anchor layerCTRL + HCommand + H
    Select the layer abovePage upPage up
    Select the layer belowPage downPage down
    Select the first layerHome keyHome key
    Select the last layerEnd keyEnd key
    Merge all visible layersCTRL + MCommand + M

    How to Access the Full List of GIMP Keyboard Shortcuts

    This article lists only the most common and useful keyboard shortcuts for GIMP. But every GIMP user has their preferred and unique list of shortcuts and in time you’ll create one too. You’ll add to these lists the tools and functions you use the most, or perhaps subtract the shortcuts you don’t use so often. Here’s how you can find the complete list of shortcuts within the GIMP application.

    1. Open GIMP on your PC or Mac.
    2. Go to the Edit menu (or the GIMP Application menu on Mac).
    96 Most Useful GIMP Keyboard Shortcuts image 25
    1. Select Keyboard Shortcuts.
    96 Most Useful GIMP Keyboard Shortcuts image 26
    1. GIMP will display a whole list of different commands and shortcuts for you to enable. You can also create customized shortcuts in this window.
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    How to Create Customized Keyboard Shortcuts

    Not all GIMP commands have dedicated keyboard shortcuts. After all, there are thousands of commands, and it is up to you to select the most useful ones and assign shortcuts if they don’t have them already. Here’s how you can do it in GIMP:

    1. Open GIMP on a PC or Mac.
    2. Go to the Edit menu (or the GIMP Application menu on Mac).
    3. Select Keyboard Shortcuts.
    4. Use the search field to find the command you are looking for.
    96 Most Useful GIMP Keyboard Shortcuts image 28
    1. If no shortcut is assigned to that particular command, it’ll say Disabled next to it.
    2. Click anywhere on the command’s entry to make your own shortcut. You’ll see Disabled replaced by New accelerator…
    96 Most Useful GIMP Keyboard Shortcuts image 29
    1. Press the desired keyboard shortcut to assign it to this command. Press backspace to delete your shortcut if you made a mistake or changed your mind.
    2. If the keyboard shortcut you chose is already assigned to another command, GIMP will display a pop-up window asking you to confirm you want to overwrite the shortcut.
    3. Select Reassign Shortcut to confirm.
    96 Most Useful GIMP Keyboard Shortcuts image 30

    GIMP keyboard shortcuts are an incredibly useful tool when it comes to editing images. With just a few keystrokes, you can create stunning artwork in no time at all. Whether you’re a professional photographer or just getting started with GIMP, these shortcuts can make your workflow much smoother and more efficient.

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