Improve your workflow by using keyboard shortcuts for everything. You can even create custom shortcuts that work best for you. Shortcuts work on every app and system, from your Word document to the Windows interface. Many of them also stay the same no matter what program you’re using.

This article will focus on learning the best keyboard shortcuts for Google Docs.

Table of Contents
    63 Best Google Docs Keyboard Shortcuts image 1

    Commonly Used Shortcuts

    The shortcuts in this section are very popular, not only in Google Docs but in various different apps, browsers, and programs you might use. You are probably already familiar with some of them.

    Ctrl + C Copy content onto the clipboard.
    Ctrl + XCut the desired content. While Copy makes a new copy of the content, the cut command will remove the content from its original place so you can paste it wherever you want.
    Ctrl + VPaste the previously copied or cut content.
    Ctrl + ZUndo the last action.
    Ctrl + Shift + ZRedo the last action.
    Ctrl + KOpens up a field where you can insert or edit links.
    Alt + EnterOpen up a link from your Google Doc.

    For macOS:

    Cmd + CCopy content onto the clipboard.
    Cmd + XCut the content.
    Cmd + VPaste.
    Cmd + ZUndo the last action.
    Cmd + Shift + ZRedo the last action.
    Cmd + KInsert or edit links.
    Option + EnterOpen a link already in the Google Docs file.

    Text Formatting Shortcuts

    Whether you use Google Docs for work, school projects, or for writing a book, you will need to format the text. That way the document would be easy to read and understand. Text formatting can be done either while you’re writing or after. Either way, there are keyboard shortcuts that will help you be done with it quickly and effortlessly.

    63 Best Google Docs Keyboard Shortcuts image 2

    Some of the text formatting shortcuts are common with most writing apps and you’re probably already familiar with them.

    Ctrl + BBold the selected text.
    Ctrl + IMake the selected text italic.
    Ctrl + UUnderline the selected text.
    Ctrl + Shift + VThis is a more complex version of the Ctrl + V command. In Google Docs, when you copy and paste content from somewhere else, Google Docs automatically formats it. Use this shortcut to paste an unformatted version of the copied content.
    Ctrl + \Clear Google Doc formatting of the selected text.
    Ctrl + Alt + CCopy the formating action of the selected text.
    Ctrl + Alt + VPaste the previously copied formatting action on new text.
    Alt + Shift + 5Strikethrough a part of your text to indicate that you made a change.
    Ctrl + .Make the selected text superscript.
    Ctrl + ,Make the selected text subscript.
    Ctrl + Shift + .Increase the font size.
    Ctrl + Shift + ,Decrease the font size.

    For macOS:

    Cmd + BBold.
    Cmd + IItalic.
    Cmd + UUnderline.
    Cmd + Shift + VPaste the unformatted version of the copied content.
    Cmd + \Clear Google Doc formatting of the selected text.
    Cmd + Option + CCopy the formatting action of the selected text.
    Cmd + Option + VPaste the previously copied formatting action on new text.
    Cmd + Shift + XStrikethrough a part of your text to indicate that you made a change.
    Cmd + .Make the selected text superscript.
    Cmd + ,Make the selected text subscript.
    Cmd + Shift + .Increase the font size.
    Cmd + Shift + ,Decrease the font size.

    Paragraph Formatting Shortcuts

    63 Best Google Docs Keyboard Shortcuts image 3

    Paragraph formatting is as important as the text itself. It makes your Google Doc easy to follow and read. Here are some shortcuts that will speed up the process of making your Google Doc look orderly:

    Ctrl + Shift + LAlign the selected paragraphs to the left.
    Ctrl + Shift + EAlign the selected paragraphs to the center.
    Ctrl + Shift + RAlign the selected paragraphs to the right.
    Ctrl + Shift + JJustify the selected paragraph or part of the text.
    Ctrl + Shift + Up ArrowMove the selected paragraph up.
    Ctrl +Shift +Down ArrowMove the selected paragraph down.
    Ctrl + Shift + 7Make the selected paragraph a numbered list.
    Ctrl + Shift + 8Make the selected paragraph a bulleted list.
    Ctrl + Shift + 9Make the selected paragraph a checklist.

    For macOS:

    Cmd + Shift+ LAlign text to the left.
    Cmd + Shift + EAlign text to the center.
    Cmd + Shift + RAlign text to the right.
    Cmd + Shift + JJustify the selected paragraph or a part of the text.
    Ctrl + Shift + Up ArrowMove the selected paragraph up.
    Ctrl +Shift +Down ArrowMove the selected paragraph down.
    Cmd + Shift + 7Create a numbered list.
    Cmd + Shift + 8Create a bulleted list.
    Cmd + Shift + 9Create a checklist.

    Image and Drawings Formatting Shortcuts

    63 Best Google Docs Keyboard Shortcuts image 4

    Graphics help you present your work better and visualize your thoughts. Did you know you can format the images and drawings in your Google Doc to fit perfectly with the text they are accompanying? Use these shortcuts to make your workflow effortless.

    Ctrl + Alt + KResize the image larger with the aspect ratio intact.
    Ctrl + Alt + BResize the image larger horizontally.
    Ctrl + Alt + IResize the image larger vertically.
    Ctrl + Alt + JResize the image smaller with the aspect ratio intact.
    Ctrl + Alt + WResize the image smaller horizontally.
    Ctrl + Alt + QResize the image smaller vertically.
    Alt + Right ArrowRotate the selected image clockwise by 15°.
    Alt + Left ArrowRotate the selected image counterclockwise by 15°.
    Alt + Shift + Right ArrowRotate the selected image clockwise by 1°.
    Alt + Shift + Left ArrowRotate the selected image counterclockwise by 1°.

    For macOS:

    Cmd + Ctrl + KResize the image larger with aspect ratio intact.
    Cmd + Ctrl + BResize the image larger horizontally.
    Cmd + Ctrl + IResize the image larger vertically.
    Cmd + Ctrl + JResize the image smaller with the aspect ratio intact.
    Cmd + Ctrl + WResize the image smaller horizontally.
    Cmd + Ctrl + QResize the image smaller vertically.
    Option + Right ArrowRotate the selected image clockwise by 15°.
    Option + Left ArrowRotate the selected image counterclockwise by 15°.
    Option + Shift + Right ArrowRotate the selected image clockwise by 1°.
    Option + Shift + Left ArrowRotate the selected image counterclockwise by 1°.

    Shortcuts for Comments, Footnotes, and More

    You can even edit footnotes and headers with several shortcuts. Need to reply fast to a comment made by your boss or editor? No problem, even that can be done in no time. Here’s how:

    Ctrl + Alt + [1-6]Changes the heading style. The number between 1 and 6 determines the style that will be applied.
    Ctrl + EnterInsert a page break into the document.
    Ctrl + Alt + MQuickly insert a comment into the Google Docs file.
    Select comment + RLeave a reply on the selected comment.
    Select comment + EResolve the selected comment.
    Ctrl + Alt + FInsert a new footnote.
    Hold Ctrl + Alt + E then FMove to the current footnote.
    Hold Ctrl + Alt + N then FMove to the next footnote.
    Hold Ctrl + Alt + P then FMove to the previous footnote.
    Ctrl + Alt + X
    Or press
    Open the spelling/grammar check for your Google Docs file.
    Ctrl + Alt + Z
    Alt + Shift + ~
    Enable screen reader support.

    For macOS:

    Cmd + Option + [1-6]Changes the heading style.
    Cmd + EnterInsert a page break into the document.
    Cmd + Option + MInsert a comment.
    Select comment + RLeave a reply on the selected comment.
    Select comment + EResolve the selected comment.
    Cmd + Option + FInsert a new footnote.
    Hold Ctrl + Cmd + E then FMove to the current footnote.
    Hold Ctrl + Cmd + N then FMove to the next footnote.
    Hold Ctrl + Cmd + P then FMove to the previous.
    Cmd + Option + X
    Or press
    Fn + f7
    Open the spelling/grammar check for your Google Docs file.
    Option + Cmd + ZEnable screen reader support

    Navigation and Menu Shortcuts

    Although it may seem simpler to click with your mouse to navigate the Google Docs file, it is far easier and faster to do it with shortcuts, especially because you will pair these keyboard shortcuts with the formatting and editing ones. It’s easier not to lift your hands from the keyboard at all, and do everything with a few keystrokes.

    Ctrl + FFind a word or phrase in your Google Docs file.
    Ctrl + GRepeat the search.
    Ctrl + HFind a word or a phrase in a Google Docs file and replace it with another.
    Ctrl + Shift + XBring up the context menu for faster editing or inserting links and emojis.
    Alt + F
    Alt + Shift+ F
    (for browsers other than Chrome)
    Bring up the file menu.
    Alt + O
    Alt + Shift + O
    (for browsers other than Chrome)
    Bring up the format menu.
    Alt + V
    Bring up the view menu.
    Alt + E
    Bring up the edit menu.
    Alt + HBring up the help menu.
    Alt + ABring up the accessibility menu when the screen reader is on.
    Alt + T
    Bring up the tools menu.
    Ctrl + Shift + FEnter the compact mode/ Hide all the menus.
    Page UpMove the page up.
    Page DownMove the page down.

    For macOS:

    Cmd + FFind a word or phrase in your Google Docs file.
    Cmd + GRepeat the search.
    Cmd + HFind a word or a phrase and replace it with another.
    Cmd + Shift + \Bring up the context menu.
    Ctrl + Option + FBring up the file menu.
    Ctrl + Option + OBring up the format menu.
    Ctrl + Option + VBring up the view menu.
    Ctrl + Option + EBring up the edit menu.
    Ctrl + Option + HBring up the help menu.
    Ctrl + Option + ABring up the accessibility menu when the screen reader is on.
    Ctrl + Option + TBring up the tools menu.
    Ctrl + Shift + FEnter the compact mode/ Hide all the menus.
    Fn + upMove the page up.
    Fn + downMove the page down.

    Whether you’re a writer filling endless Google Docs pages or an occasional user, keyboard shortcuts will improve your workflow once you get used to them. Make sure you practice them daily to build the habit. Also, check out our article on the best Microsoft Excel keyboard shortcuts to become a spreadsheet master.

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