Adobe Photoshop is one of the most powerful design and graphics programs available, but it can be tricky to learn all the tips and tricks that make your editing tasks easier and faster. That’s why knowing Adobe Photoshop keyboard shortcuts is essential! Keyboard shortcuts allow you to bypass endless clicks and menu navigation, streamlining your workflow so you can get more work done in less time.

76 Most Useful Adobe Photoshop Keyboard Shortcuts image 1

Instead of memorizing all the necessary Photoshop shortcut keyboards, you can save this article and use it as a cheat sheet whenever needed. Keep in mind that in most cases shortcuts for Windows and Mac users are the same. But in some cases, they can be different. If they are, the article will list both variations. The one for macOS will be displayed in parentheses.

Table of Contents

    Also, make sure to check our articles on the best Word keyboard shortcuts and the best Excel keyboard shortcuts for a complete boost in productivity.

    Preparing Your Work

    Before you start working in Photoshop, you might want to prepare the image or the canvas. This will help you enhance your workflow. Preparing a Photoshop document should be second nature to you if you often use the software, but using keyboard shortcuts saves time. Instead of wasting time finding the right tools, press a few buttons on your keyboard to change image size, zoom in or out, and scale your image. Here are the most basic shortcuts that’ll help you prepare your work in Photoshop:

    Preparing Your Work
    Change Image SizeCTRL + Alt + iCommand + Option + i
    Change Canvas SizeCTRL + Alt + cCommand + Option + c
    Zoom InCTRL + +Command + +
    Zoom OutCTRL + –Command + –
    Scale ProportionatelyHold Shift while selecting an object
    Scale in PlaceHold shift + alt (option) while selecting an object
    Show RulersCTRL + rCommand + r
    Show/Hide the GridCTRL + ‘Command + ‘

    Selecting Tools

    The tools with which you work in Photoshop come in groups. Each tool group has different functions. For example, under the Object Selection group, you’ll have options to make a quick selection, or to use a magic wand tool.
    Each tool has a keyboard shortcut, and here’s the list of the most commonly used ones:

    Selecting Tools
    Move tool
    76 Most Useful Adobe Photoshop Keyboard Shortcuts image 2vPath Selection tool
    Direct Selection tool
    76 Most Useful Adobe Photoshop Keyboard Shortcuts image 3a
    Object Selection tool
    Quick Selection tool
    76 Most Useful Adobe Photoshop Keyboard Shortcuts image 4wHand tool76 Most Useful Adobe Photoshop Keyboard Shortcuts image 5h
    Rectangular Marquee tool
    Elliptical Marquee Tool
    76 Most Useful Adobe Photoshop Keyboard Shortcuts image 6mRotate View76 Most Useful Adobe Photoshop Keyboard Shortcuts image 7r
    Lasso tool
    Polygonal Lasso tool
    76 Most Useful Adobe Photoshop Keyboard Shortcuts image 8lPen tool
    Freeform Pen tool
    76 Most Useful Adobe Photoshop Keyboard Shortcuts image 9p
    Eyedropper tool
    Color Sampler tool
    76 Most Useful Adobe Photoshop Keyboard Shortcuts image 10iClone Stamp tool
    Pattern Stamp tool
    76 Most Useful Adobe Photoshop Keyboard Shortcuts image 11s
    Crop tool
    Perspective Crop tool
    76 Most Useful Adobe Photoshop Keyboard Shortcuts image 12cDodge tool
    Burn tool
    76 Most Useful Adobe Photoshop Keyboard Shortcuts image 13o
    Eraser tool
    Background Eraser tool
    76 Most Useful Adobe Photoshop Keyboard Shortcuts image 14eZoom Tool
    76 Most Useful Adobe Photoshop Keyboard Shortcuts image 15z
    Rounded Rectangle
    76 Most Useful Adobe Photoshop Keyboard Shortcuts image 16uDefault
    Foreground/Background colors
    76 Most Useful Adobe Photoshop Keyboard Shortcuts image 17d
    Horizontal Type tool
    Vertical Type tool
    76 Most Useful Adobe Photoshop Keyboard Shortcuts image 18tSwitch Foreground/Background colors76 Most Useful Adobe Photoshop Keyboard Shortcuts image 19x
    Brush tool
    Pencil tool
    76 Most Useful Adobe Photoshop Keyboard Shortcuts image 20bToggle Quick Mask Modes76 Most Useful Adobe Photoshop Keyboard Shortcuts image 21q
    History Brush tool
    Art history Brush tool
    76 Most Useful Adobe Photoshop Keyboard Shortcuts image 22yChange Screen Mode76 Most Useful Adobe Photoshop Keyboard Shortcuts image 23f
    Spot Healing Brush tool
    Healing Brush tool
    76 Most Useful Adobe Photoshop Keyboard Shortcuts image 24j
    Gradient tool
    Paint Bucket tool
    76 Most Useful Adobe Photoshop Keyboard Shortcuts image 25g

    Note: These quick shortcuts are the same for Windows and macOS users.

    The Brush Tool

    The brush is one of the most commonly used tools in Adobe Photoshop for obvious reasons.

    76 Most Useful Adobe Photoshop Keyboard Shortcuts image 26

    Use these shortcuts to change the brush size, shape, and transparency of the brush strokes.

    The Brush Tool
    Increase size]
    Decrease size[
    Increase brush hardness}
    Decrease brush hardness{
    Select previous or next brush style, or .
    Display precise crosshair for brushesCapslock
    Also Shift + Capslock
    Toggle airbrush optionShift + Alt + p (Shift + Option + p on Mac)

    The Marquee Tool

    Making quick and simple selections in Photoshop is easy. But the Marquee tool is capable of so much more than a simple drag and select. Use it to select individual elements in your image or the entire graphic. After making a proper selection you can easily copy, cut, and paste it into another place, document, or even layer.
    Here are some of the commonly used Marquee tool shortcuts. But first, press M on your keyboard to select the tool.

    The Marquee Tool
    Toggle between Slice Tool and Slice Selection ToolCTRLCommand
    Draw square sliceShift + drag mouseShift + drag mouse
    Draw from center outwardsAlt + drag mouseOption + drag mouse
    Draw square slice from center outwardsShift + Alt + drag mouseShift + Option + drag mouse
    Reposition the slice while creating itSpacebar + drag mouseSpacebar + drag mouse

    Blending Options

    Blending modes will improve the looks of your graphics or image you are working on. They determine how the colors blend between the layers. Some of the blending options make subtle changes, while others can drastically change the visual impression of your graphics.
    To select the blending option go to Photoshop’s top bar menu and select Layer > Layer Style > Blending Options.

    76 Most Useful Adobe Photoshop Keyboard Shortcuts image 27

    Alternatively, you can double-click any layer and that will bring up the options for that particular layer. You’ll find blending options there.

    76 Most Useful Adobe Photoshop Keyboard Shortcuts image 28

    Once you open the blending options, you can use the following shortcuts. But don’t forget to first select the move tool (v) and then click on the layer you want to manipulate with blending options.

    Blending Options
    Toggle different blending modesShift + + and Shift + –Shift + + and Shift + –
    Normal modeShift + Alt + nShift + Option + n
    DissolveShift + Alt + iShift + Option + i
    DarkenShift + Alt + kShift + Option + k
    LightenShift + Alt + gShift + Option + g
    MultiplyShift + Alt + mShift + Option + m
    OverlayShift + Alt + oShift + Option + o
    HueShift + Alt + uShift + Option + u
    SaturationShift + Alt + tShift + Option + t
    LuminosityShift + Alt + yShift + Option + y

    Working with Layers and Objects

    Manipulating certain objects in your graph, or even multiple layers can be daunting work. But these shortcuts make it all seem so easy. These are also some of the most commonly used shortcuts in Photoshop by both professionals and those who are just starting out.

    Manipulating Objects and Layers
    Select all objectsCTRL + aCommand + a
    Deselect selected objectsCTRL + dCommand + d
    Inverse the selectionShift + CTRL + iShift + Command + i
    Select all layersCTRL + Alt + aCommand + Option + a
    Merge all layersCTRL + Shift + eCommand + Shift + e
    Select top layerAlt + .Option + .
    Select bottom layerAlt + ,Option + ,
    Select next layer down or upAlt + [ or ]Option + [ or ]
    Move target layer down or upCTRL + [ or ]Command + [ or ]
    Move selected layer to the bottom or topCTRL + Shift + [ or ]Command + Shift + [ or ]
    Create a new layerShift + CTRL + nShift + Command + n
    New layer via copyCTRL + jCommand + j
    New Layer via cutCTRL + Shift + JCommand + Option + j
    Group selected layersCTRL + gCommand + g
    Ungroup selected layersCTRL + Shift + gCommand + Shift + g
    Merge and flatten selected layersCTRL + eCommand + e
    Merge selected layers on top of the other layersControl + Shift + Alt + eCommand+ Shift+ Option + e
    Free Transform objectsCTRL + tCommand + t
    Undo last actionCTRL + zCommand +z
    Undo multiple last actionsCTRL + Alt + zCommand + Option + Z

    Saving Your Photoshop Document

    Finally, let’s see which shortcuts you can use to save your work in Photoshop. It won’t matter if you finished it or not. You can always return to your work if you save it as a Photoshop (PSD) file.

    Save your Photoshop Work
    Save asCTRL + Shift + sCommand + Shift + s
    Save for Web and DevicesCTRL + Shift + Alt + sCommand + Shift + Option + s

    Even if you’re a beginner at using this software, taking the time to learn and practice these important key commands can really pay off in significantly reducing the time it takes to adjust intricate images. Don’t worry if it takes time to remember a certain shortcut though – practice makes perfect!